Inspirational Fuel
Oh dear bloggy, I know I’ve neglected you lately. April has proven to be an extremely busy month. My self-imposed Script Frenzy (or Script “Brenzy”, as my pal Eddy Val so cleverly dubbed it) is consuming a major chunk of my extra-curricular time. I’m a bit behind quota-wise (page 50 and counting), but it’s been refreshing to tackle a new idea. This current one has been percolating for a while, so it’s gratifying to see description and dialogue filling a Final Draft document once again.
And then there’s the new job, which is occupying much of my headspace lately. Since the series is just ramping up, there are many elements to establish: staffing, systems, snack table – all of the vitals. I’m thankful to be coming onto a show at its inception, when I can wield a bit of influence, rather than stepping into the middle of chaos. I’m empowered to provide some structure and direction that will, hopefully, avoid future chaos – or at least minimize it. And I’m so grateful to be working alongside such a wonderful, dedicated team of creative souls. It’s exciting to witness talented individuals shape and craft their vision – I’m learning a lot.
I fed my own creative soul last weekend when I consumed a heavy dose of indie cinema, thanks to the Wisconsin Film Festival. It was a trip I debated making, but I’m so glad that I did. Not only was it a treat to spend time with my family – especially considering that my visits will be less frequent now that I have to factor in “vacation time” when I make them – but I also saw some genuine moving pictures. One, in particular, made the whole experience worthwhile. It was a little cinematic gem that reminded me why I love movies and storytelling so much. I will provide a more in-depth review in the next post, but here’s a sneak preview: KAUWBOY.
I do have to admit that it’s also difficult to summon up a blog entry when a tragedy like the Boston marathon bombing happens. Who the hell cares about a naval-gazing blog when this country is dealing with issues of terror, vulnerability, and deep-felt grief? So please know that I realize how minor my “challenges” are these days. I’m a lucky DLB and I’m grateful for all that I have at the moment. Especially my family, friends, and bloggy readers!