As we all know, the counterpart to the thrill of victory is the agony of defeat. Which is my overdramatic opener to deliver the news that AUNT MOLLY’S MELTDOWN did not advance to the finals in the Vail Film Festival Screenplay Competition. (Cue the classic Wide World of Sports shot of that skier wiping out at the bottom of a ski jump – a singularly appropriate visual since the contest is happening in snowy Vail, Colorado, after all.)
Of course, I am disappointed that I didn’t make it to the coveted final five, but I’m happy that I was in the hunt at all. And speaking of hunts, there’s still the Screenplay Festival contest for which my script THE HUNT is a semi-finalist. (See how I’m trying to stay focused on the positive?!?) Perhaps I’ll experience the sweet thrill of victory (or at least advancement) there?
And, in the meantime, I am contemplating the idea of going to Vail anyway. The word from fellow scribes is that it’s a great, writer-friendly festival, and I always welcome the possibility of meeting like-minded (i.e. crazy) souls who are also attempting to build a career in this business of show. Of course, I may need to consult with Deliberate’s CFO John to see if the corporate travel account can take such a hit. And when he says that I probably shouldn’t go, I’ll just tune him out like I do the din of parrots who squawk outside my South Pasadena window at sunrise and sunset.
What's that you're all blathering about?
(KIDDING, CFO John! Kidding! I value your opinion very much.)
I couldn’t get too bummed out about Vail, though, because a) it’s not a terribly constructive mental space to wallow in and b) the news came on the heels of a fantastic trip to New York City. Not only did I get ample doses of food, wine, and culture during my visit, but I also got to reconnect with some former Nickelodeon colleagues as well as a few dear longtime friends AND a couple of new friends I met at the Austin Film Festival. It was especially enriching to get together with the latter pair because we could relive our respective highlights (and lowlights) of AFF while also comparing notes on current writing projects, frustrating obstacles, and future goals. I find these Algonquin-esque consortiums good for the spirit because they remind me that I’m not alone in this formidable process.

Creativity Confabs...with Cocktails!
And a special thanks to Cousin Chris for putting me up and putting up with me!