I just thought I’d post a brief blog entry to wish all of my wonderful family, friends, and faithful blog readers a very happy holiday filled with fun and festivity. I am blogging from Wisconsin where I am experiencing a proper White Christmas. I continue to be amazed by the fact that Santa Claus manages to leave gifts for my nieces at both their house and Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Considering how many kids he has to visit, I’d say they’re pretty darn lucky that he fits in two drop-offs for them.

Is that a typo or am I really going down two chimneys for those girls?
I have checked all anxiety about my unknown future at the door (at least for now), so I can simply reflect on how very fortunate I am to have so much support in my life. My ex, JJ, gets annoyed when I channel my inner-Oprah during these entries, but the holidays coupled with the end of the year provide the perfect opportunity to say thank you to those of you who enrich my life.
Thank you!
(And you’re on the list, too, JJ!)
Now go eat, drink, and make merry!!!
NEXT UP: Next Steps.