The Farewell 2010 Tour continued this week when my Fairly OddParents/T.U.F.F. PUPPY crew surprised me with a “goodbye and good luck” party. I’ve worked with many of these people for the better part of my time at Nickelodeon, so it meant a lot to me that they would come out to a local restaurant on a Thursday night to send me off in style. In addition to filling up on some of my favorite things, such as sushi, wine, and an impressive cheese tray (I’m a Wisconsin gal, after all), I simply enjoyed being able to hang out with these friends and colleagues who have been such a major element in my life. I’ve seen these co-workers get married, have babies, earn promotions, win animation awards, win Emmy awards, and, most importantly, try my annual specialty drink at various holiday parties and live to tell the tale. These are valuable people, people!

Mary and company understand.
What really blew me away was when my boss, the world-famous Butch Hartman, presented me with a check for my production company. It seems that everyone dug into their pockets to donate a little traveling cash before I head down this uncertain road. Talk about a humbling vote of confidence. As I fumbled to verbalize a proper “thank you,” I hope I stressed enough how important these co-workers have been to me.
When I came to Nickelodeon back in 2001, I came with a passion for live-action movies. But I wasn’t doing much to pursue creating them other than watching a lot of films and then voicing my opinion on them whether anyone wanted to hear it or not – and I’m sure the latter was often the case! But, as I mentioned in my previous blog, the studio is an exciting and creative environment, and the crew I’ve had the good fortune to work with is filled with amazingly talented and dedicated people. When you are surrounded by the best of the best, you can’t help but be inspired. Thanks to my crew, I began my intimate relationship with Final Draft with the hopes of some day bringing the stories I write to the big screen. And I’m now that much closer to seeing that goal finally happen.

There Will be Scripts!
In these final days of saying goodbye to some truly lovely human beings, I am also reminded of how important attitude is when working in “the business.” As I said to the crew on Thursday night, it really is a gift to be paid to do what you love, and we’ve had the added benefit of working alongside fun and kind people. Life is too short to make drama where it doesn’t exist – be grateful for what you have and keep the positive vibes flowing. I firmly believe that you get what you give, so thank you to the crew for giving me so very much!
NEXT UP: Home for the Holidays!
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