Dear Readers, I am trying to honor my self-imposed edict of contributing to ye old bloggy at least twice a week, but tonight’s entry is going to be a bit lackluster. (Please accept my apologies in advance.) Truth be told, DLB is running on fumes after a brutal red-eye flight sitting in front of a family who seemed to think 1:00–5:00 a.m. in the confines of an airplane were the prime hours to have intense discourse. (Yeah, don’t give a second…nay…first thought to the throngs around you desperately trying to sleep…you’re using your witching hours to your family dysfunctional fullest! Go, Crazy Family!)

Um, were you sitting in row 17 on American flight #1092 last night?
Now that I am back in beautiful, slightly rainy Cheeseland, I do have a couple of things to mention. Despite my beleaguered & baggy-eyed state, today I had lunch with my Dad (Mr. Executive Producer) and a Knowledgeable & Hilarious Gentleman who I think will be a major help in procuring funding for Deliberate Productions. At the very least, he has a lot of experience and success in the world of raising money and he asked all the right questions to get Ms. D focused on her fundraising game. (And, believe me, Ms. D could use a little focus.) After meeting with Mr. Knowledgeable & Hilarious Gentleman, I feel like the more I put “it” out there, the more of a reality “it” becomes. Which means I have to keep moving forward!

If you build it, they will come.
To that end, I am lucky enough to have been invited to appear on a local Madison radio show this weekend. The show is called Boo and Petie, Too and it’s co-hosted by two Madison fixtures, Boo Mortenson and Petie Rudy, on The Pulse WTDY 1670. The general description of this audio partnership is that Boo & Petie “engage listeners with the unflappable, energetic, and feisty style of two girlfriends with grit.” Here’s hoping I can keep up with these ladies and slide right in when talking about my current adventure! So if you’re in Madison and in need of some ambient noise this Saturday, please tune in at 10:00 a.m.!

"Good morning, Madison!"
But first I think I need to sleep for a few hours, if that’s okay….
NEXT UP: Radio Round-Up! And some insightful interviews!
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