Remarkable Madame has passed on the role of Jessica. Her manager sent Andy a lovely Dear John e-mail expressing good vibes for the BTS script, but explaining that the timing just isn’t right since she’s got a series going into production and she’s just come off of a bunch of indie films, and etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. As my director JJ (not to be confused with ex-boyfriend JJ) pointed out, at least the project is moving in circles where it’s taken seriously and people are responding to it. Yes.
And weird as it sounds, I wasn’t all that bummed about the news. Don’t get me wrong – Remarkable Madame is a fantastic actress and would have been incredible in the role. Maybe I’m just getting more comfortable with the rejection roller coaster? It’s become a normal pattern in my life. One week I’ll get exciting news from a big industry contest only to be followed by an e-mail that a script of mine hasn’t even placed in a small, obscure contest. I’ll have a terrific correspondence with a potential investor and then be met with total radio silence from another one. I think at some point I’ve realized that the only healthy mental place for all of these up-and-down, high-and-low developments is a zen state of mind.
And recent events – specifically in Aurora, Colorado – are a good reminder about keeping perceived “challenges” in perspective. In terms of life’s hard knocks, I have nothing to complain about. As I came in from walking the dogs this morning and contemplated the day – my day – ahead, I offered up thanks to the universe for the fact that I’m healthy and mobile and surrounded by supportive family/friends/pets and that I do get to live this life each day.
Keep calm and carry on.
And so we’re carrying on to another talented lady. Here’s hoping Crazygood Actress is the one!
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