Now that most of my businessy writings are just about done, I’m ready to get back to the business of writing. Screenwriting, that is. For the fuel of Deliberate Productions is supposed to be my creative projects, correct? And I’ve neglected my Final Draft software for far too long.
I have two screenplays I’d like to bring to acceptable draft status before the end of the year. One is a sci-fi thriller and the other is what I like to call a coming-of-age monster movie. Yeah, I’m a regular genre masher. The latter was written this past April during a challenge known as Script Frenzy. Script Frenzy is based online and the collective mission is simple: Write 100 pages of original scripted material in the thirty days of April. There’s no fee to enter and there’s no prize to win – except for the coveted bragging rights of knowing you completed (or are on your way to completing) a screenplay.

Feel the Frenzy!
Here’s the website link:
Being a girl who likes structure, I really welcome this month-long experiment. I think a major obstacle for writers to overcome is simply having the discipline to write. We have so many distractions surrounding and tempting us (Project Runway, martini shaking, Facebook) that it can be difficult to make time to write on a regular basis. In fact, one of the things I appreciate about the occasionally arduous task of maintaining this blog is that it provides me with an outlet to generate some creative writing every few days. (Although you may disagree with the “creative” part.)
Anyway, Script Frenzy is from the creator of another popular online challenge, National Novel Writing Month. And that event is coming up in November….yes, NEXT MONTH. The challenge is described on the website as “thirty days and nights of literary abandon.” I haven’t taken part in it because I find prose so intimidating, but I thought it was worth mentioning to those of you who may be itching to break out that next Oprah’s Book Club contender buried deep within your creative soul.

I have the power to anoint you!
If you think you can write 50,000 words in thirty days (that’s 1,666 words a day), then I encourage you to check out the website:
Who knows? Perhaps you’ll be so inspired by your accomplishment that you, too, will start a blog devoted to creative pursuits.

Whoa. This blog excerpt is totally fascinating. Who is dlb?
NEXT UP: The Week in Review
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